Thursday, May 14, 2009


My apologies for such a long break between posts. We have been upending everything in the apartment in preparation for a move. Then, of course, there was the pre-coffee Saturday morning where we realized termites were swarming through the wall of the apartment. We were NOT happy campers, let me tell you! After the initial cleaning frenzy in which we vacuumed the termites into an old vacuum cleaner, we unhooked all of the electronics in the nook from which the termites emerged. We only reconnected a few pieces—we weren't planning on packing all of that up, but a nice adrenaline rush helps you accomplish quite a lot!

So, we have been sorting, purging, and packing like crazy. Our indoor kitty will have a whole sunroom to bask in, rather than just a few windows, so he will love it. He's just not very happy with all the chaos that is making laps rather scarce these days.

We will have a sunny kitchen, just next to the sunroom. Great for pictures in future entries! (I actually have some pics and recipes saved to post when I stop packing long enough to take a breath.) And after years of apartment life, my sweet husband gets to have a grill again! What do you think of some posts on grilling? Anyway, we are in the final stretch of the home stuff now. Hopefully I will have some pics of the new place to share soon!